Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Heritage Village Happenings - September 2010


I don’t know about you, but just last week, as my husband and I sipped our morning cups of coffee, overlooking our beautiful Kings Bay and then again on my late afternoon walks with my dog, down to the 3rd street peer … I started feelin’that feelin’…some of you know exactly what I am talking about…a slight breeze…and the heat is just not so hot… that’s right… fall is teasing us and ohhhh does it feel good!  For many years I have been a part of entertaining our community with events in the heart of Historic Downtown Crystal River, but I must say the Fall events are my favorites!   Being 5th generation, from a family that lives and breathes community involvement, my passion has been entertaining the family in a wholesome environment.   I love surrounding  myself with creative minds, that have a love for Details.  That is why I am where I am today, Project Co-ordinator and Developer of Heritage Village, surrounded by wonderful creative business owners that feel the same way I do.  So mark your calendars and join us for the following upcoming events for September. SuGaBug  play dates go Around the World on Tuesdays(a cultural experience for mom & tots) Market Day with Art,  Saturday, September 11th   (Produce, Plants, Artistic Talent are invited to participate).   Trash N Treasure on Heritage House Grounds, Saturday September 18th  8 a.m. till Noon (treasures new and old);  “Let’s Talk Turkey” (canned food drive for local food banks) starting September 11th thru November 13th and Breast Cancer Awareness Event is September 30th, sponsored by The Cotton Club and Café on the Avenue.  Coming in October…The 23rd Annual Scarecrow Fest  on Oct 23 rd … details next month.  If you would like more information about events and/or Cottage rentals,  contact me at 352-564-1400.

Laura Lou Fitzpatrick
Project Co-ordinator & Developer
The Shoppes of Heritage Village

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